As some may have noticed,
I've been studying a lot about LDS history and theology lately. I've had
the chance to have a lot of great conversations about this with people and have
had several people ask how to go about finding good books to read on the topic.
I've also had a few people, not understanding where I'm coming from, who are
worried that I'm lost in dark paths because I've been researching these
things. Which was sad and confusing since I primarily rely on LDS sources
for all my information. So, I thought it would be a good time to write a post
about some good (church approved) resources for finding out about church
history. Hopefully it can help others who are interested in the topic
find what they're looking for and it can assure others that I'm not dipping my
toes in a fiery lake of doubt and misery.
First things first, I have
a testimony of Jesus Christ. I have a testimony that we have loving
Heavenly Parents who love us and want us to return to them. I have a testimony
that by having charity (which is loving Christ by loving others the way he
would) we can do extraordinary things. While there are many beautiful and
amazing teaching provided by the LDS church, I fear that sometimes those basic
tenets of Christ's Atonement, Charity, Hope, and Faith get overshadowed by the
controversial topics of our history. Many of my friends outside of the
church know little of what our actual gospel message is and more about church
history, controversial topics like polygamy, and comments made by church leaders
regarding minority groups. Because these are the things people are going to ask
us about I think it's important for us to study them out so that we can have
answers. Having been on the side of questioner and answer-er I thought
I'd share some thoughts I had on how we can be more loving and welcoming to
those who think differently than we do. I don't think it's enough to just tell
people to ignore all the hard stuff and just focus on the good. Sometimes
it's by addressing the "hard" questions that we are prepared to
receive the good. I think that's true for people in and outside of the
I know that not everyone
feels like they need or want to know about early church history, or the origins
of priesthood, or women and divinity and that's fine. Our faith is
individual and we come at it from many ways. Many people learn about
church history during their youth and get refresher courses every four years at
church and that is enough to build their faith. Which is great and honestly,
I think that is a spiritual gift. I also know that there are a lot of people,
like me, who approach things in a more questioning format and want to learn
more. For a long time, I considered my questioning nature to be an indication
that I didn't have enough faith but I now know that God gave me my questions to
lead me toward answers and that he loves me even if I take a little longer than
most to understand church doctrines (and maybe even if I have a few on my shelf
that I'm still not quite ready to deal with yet.) President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
said "Some might feel embarrassed or unworthy because they have searching
questions regarding the gospel, but they needn't feel that way. Asking
questions isn't a sign of weakness; it's a precursor of growth."
Sometimes in an effort to
be faith promoting I think we as a church membership focus on only the good
that happened and start to think of the pioneers of our faith as beyond
human. We've all probably heard people say things like "the pioneers
never complained" or they "never doubted". While that
black and white way of thinking can be motivating for some it can also be
demotivating for many others who think they will never stack up. As I've
learned about the good and the bad and read journals where pioneers doubt one
day and bear testimony the next I'm more able to see that these were real
people living real lives! The point of the gospel is not that you have to be
perfect in order to participate. The point is that through Christ we can all be
made perfect. When we realize that the pioneers were ordinary people doing
extraordinary things it becomes much more relevant and motivating than
hero-worship. As I learn more about the mistakes that were made and how
they were overcome I learn that God uses imperfect people to run his church.
And if they, imperfect as they were, could be of use, then maybe there is hope
for me as well. As I've jumped into family history more I've been very
impressed that it's time for me to really study out church history and
doctrines as well and face some of the troubling things head on. I've found
that in addition to stretching and strengthening me personally, it has
increased my love for those who have gone before me.
I've been excited to share
what I'm learning with others who have questions or who struggle with the
history. I know that when I've had doubts or worries, having other to talk to
has been crucial in my church activity. We know from the scriptures that we
should seek things out in faith but also through gaining knowledge and discussing
that knowledge with others. Doctrine and Covenants 88:118 says "And as all
have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea,
seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and
also by faith”. I'm so appreciative of those who have already travailed this
path and the insights they can give me and the encouragement to keep studying
and moving forward.
I'm also excited that my
kids will have the opportunity to be taught these things in their youth instead
of finding out at BYU (like I did) or even later in life that seminary and
Sunday school didn't quite show the complete picture. Some might think
that church history detracts from learning about the basic tenets and doctrines
of the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, the truth remains that learning
about our church history and previous revelations can help us understand the
doctrines we are presented with today. Some want to leave the past in the
past but the fact is that temple practices, priesthood ordination practices,
attitudes toward women, our view of the afterlife etc. are heavily impacted by
the practices of our ancestors in the early church and turning our head away
from these facts can only cause heartache down the road. When we don't
understand the real history and doctrines of the church we start to fill in the
gaps with our own ideas and that is when we get lost in church culture and vain
When the church announced
the gospel topics essays Elder J. Devn Cornish (of the Seventy and also the
executive director of the Church History Department at the time) said: “Gone
are the days when the history of the Church is just interesting. Gone are the
days when it is only important. In our day, the history of the Church is
urgent...Our history can either be used as a weapon against the faith of our
members or as a bulwark to build and protect their faith". I hope that by
helping my kids know about this history early on it will lessen their chance of
having it used as a weapon against them later.
So even if your testimony
is rock solid about church history, I encourage you to learn more so that you
can be of help to those around you who do have questions (including our children).
And also, certainly, because over the next several years this history is going
to be incorporated more and more into the curriculum for youth and adults and
it's always better to learn it on your own time table than to be blindsided by
it in the middle of gospel doctrine class.
While it is a great
blessing to have family, friends and associates to discuss things with and
while I've been blessed with many who have happily pointed me to good sources,
studied things out with me, discussed troublesome topics (sometimes multiple
times), and genuinely loved me even when I was at my most "faith
crisis" moments, I want to caution others to choose wisely who you choose
to open up to about your questions. Sometimes, unfortunately, our questions can
be met by others with anger or even condemnation. Some might feel
betrayed that we aren't as "steadfast" as they thought we were, some
people regard even the act of having questions as sinful, some don't understand
why we don't just rely on faith only, some are immature or unsure in their own
testimonies or understanding of church history or doctrines, and others hear
our questions only in terms of how it will affect them (what does this mean for
our friendship? What will others think of me if I associate with this person
who is questioning?", etc.).
As a listener, it's
important to listen carefully to what is being said so that we don't misjudge
or jump to incorrect conclusions. In the LDS gospel topics essay about
answering gospel questions it says that we should 1) Show Compassion for the
person asking questions 2) Listen Carefully and 3) Fortify Faith. Don't
assume that because someone is questioning that they are doing it justify or
cover up their sins, or that they are trying to lead a rebellion away from the
church. Sure, those things could happen, but just because someone is asking
questions doesn't mean that they are doing those things. Also, as the person
asking the questions we need to make sure we can remain calm, not be too
aggressive and that we bring them up when we have time to explain where our
thoughts are coming from.
Sometimes the context for
your questions can help others better know what they can do to help. So before
I give my list of resources I used to help with my questions, I'd like to give
some context for my questions. For me, things came to a head after the birth of
my fifth child. I began to wonder what it means to be a woman, what was
God's plan for me as such, and how the gospel could help me navigate the many
changes and trials that occur in the life of women. I decided to really find out
what Heavenly Father thought of me as a daughter through prayer and
meditation. After praying about it for several weeks I decided to also
dedicate my scripture study time to see how other women had navigated the many
changes and demands that are required of women on their mortal journey. As I
studied, I became increasingly frustrated that there really aren't many
depictions of women outside of who they married or who they begat. I went
to the temple and although I feel uplifted there I also felt frustrated that I
still wasn't seeing my Heavenly Mother's hand in this or understanding Eve's
entire story. I won't go into my specific concerns or questions about that here
but click over to my book review of Women in Eternity, Women of Zion if
you'd like to know more about them.
From there I decided to
start seeking out books about women in the scriptures and particularly women in
the early LDS church. However, as I began to dive in to their stories, I
realized that while I did have some things in common with them, our lives
really looked so different! Many of these women practiced polygamy,
actively talked about Heavenly Mother, gave each other healing blessings for
the first 80+ years of the church, and received and spake revelations for one
another through the gift of tongues. Having studied many of these things
before (I always took more than a full load of classes at BYU so that I could
take extra religion classes each semester) I didn't think I would be that
shocked by what I found. It also became apparent that as the Sunday curriculum
has shied away at times from addressing polygamy (even changing some of the
quotes in the Brigham Young manual from "wives" to "wife")
that some of these women's lives have been unintentionally overlooked for many
years. While I understand that changing quotes to sound more monogamous
helps us to better relate to the lessons on marriage, it sometimes also
accidentally distances us from these amazing women.
So, with all that in mind
let me get into where we can turn to learn more about church history, women of
the church, and more! The Church History department has collaborated with so
many different researchers to make sure that we can now have access to records,
journals, pictures and stories that most church members have never had access
to before (either because they were part of private collections, authenticity
or context were still under debate, or because previous generations have
worried that some of the "harder" parts of church history were not
faith promoting). The cool thing about a lot of the historical papers and books
that are being put out today is that they are written for people in and outside
of the faith and give a more accurate and complete version of our
history. While much of this information has been available for awhile-
timeline corrections, what was said, who said it, and so many things that
previously were glossed over, are now being presented to the membership in
detail and in easier to find places.
The gospel topics essays
are a great place to start. While they are still not perfect (and will
continue to change as new research comes to light) they give a very good
overview of some of the more sensitive topics in our history and
doctrines. They've been put together by the church history department and
are supported by numerous books and resources that are provided by the top
historians and researchers of LDS history. They are also approved by the First
Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. You can read more about the essay
topics, their approval process and their uses by visiting the essay
overview page.
Right now these essays
include a range of topics such as are Mormon's Christian, Heavenly Mother, the
Book of Mormon and DNA, Polygamy in Nauvoo, Polygamy in Utah, priesthood
restrictions, Joseph Smith's teachings about women, becoming like God, and more.
You can access the complete list here:
Not only do these essays
give a good overview they also provide an amazing list of references that can
also guide your study. When you click on a topic you will often see the
first paragraph of text, related church resources and scriptures, and then
other suggested topics. Click on the show more link to be able to access
the whole text of the essay but also to access the full list of resources
used. There are dozens of books listed on most essays. I've really
had to increase my book budget as of late :) For recommendations of books that
I've personally read from these lists you can visit my book review page.
In addition to book
references, there are also other websites, scriptures, BYU Studies article
links, and more.
Below is a list of some of
the online resources that are used in the essays and some sites that I have
found helpful in choosing which books to read. A lot of these cross paths
frequently or link to one another but I'm going to list them out separately. -access
to the full text of relief society minutes and other documents, also provides
information about current books being published and news in the world of LDS
church history. -I've
found some awesome articles here about all kinds of topics. Biblical
evidences, Mother in Heaven, Book of Mormon historical context, Hebrew
translation, etc. A really cool feature is under study resources- For each Sunday
School lesson they have linked all their past articles that pertain to that
particular topic.
The Neal A Maxwell
Institute -for religious scholarship at BYU. (Particularly the
Mormon Studies review which can be found under their publications tab. I
recently watched a really interesting podcast about the combining of FARMS into
the Neal A. Maxwell Institute and the shift of scholarship being written for a
wider audience. The Mormon Studies Review, rather than publishing new
material, is a review of new articles, journals and books being put on a
variety of topics within Mormonism. This one does cost $10 for a yearlong
digital pass, but it's really cool!) -From
here you can access several of the other resources I've listed here. It
also has publications and another whole list of online resources that you can
check out there.
Revelations in Context -This is found
on and you've probably seen links to it in your sunday school manuals
for Doctrine and Covenants. It's a great resource to get some
understanding for what was happening during times of revelation. It also
tells us the story from other people's points of view that lived during that
time. You'll also find links to other research sources such as the Joseph Smith
Papers and church historians press listed above.
Women in
the Scriptures Blog -While this blog isn't just about church
history it is fascinating! She also has some really good book reviews and
recommendations that have really helped me understand more about women in all
of the scriptures, Eve's story, Emma Smith and more.
Amazon and Goodreads book
reviews- When deciding which books I want to read I often turn to the book
reviews on Amazon or Goodreads to see what others have to say about it and how
it helped them in their life. I also research who the authors are and
what other books they may have written. I usually look at what seems to be the
overall tone of the reviews. Is it people who are genuinely searching for
answers to their questions or is it people who are looking for new ammunition
to shoot back at the church. They can be so helpful in deciding if a book will
be a good fit for you.
Well, I know this has been
a long blog post but I hope it might be of some help to others. For those
who have questions I hope it lets you know that you're not alone, there are
places you can go to find answers and that our Heavenly parents love you!
For those who don't have
questions I hope that it might give you some good ideas of where you can turn
to learn more, that you can have more empathy for those who do have questions
and that maybe it will help you to feel less awkward in having conversations
with your brothers and sisters who approach the gospel differently than you.
And for those who aren't
LDS I hope that it can give you some resources to learn more about this
religion or at the very least help you understand why my Goodreads list has
been so boring sounding lately :)
My main hope always,
whether you agree with my positions or not, is that my post can at least
promote charity and understanding between all people inside and outside of the
LDS church. So, please let me know if you have any questions I can help with or
leave a comment with your favorite resources to use in your religious study! I
love hearing from you all!