So I want to post my 10K music recommendations for beginners but first I want to give a little pep talk!
Recently I went to dinner after running my first ever 10K. During dinner two of the waitresses found out I had run a race and talked to me about it. After we talked for a few minutes one of the ladies then said she would never be able to run a race. This was a feeling I understood well. I am not small and I am not fast and a year ago I would have said the same thing. I told her that I had been running for 9 months and still had to take walking breaks frequently. After 9 months I have only worked my way up to a 13 min/mile pace (which most others could do walking). She seemed pretty surprised to find out that I hadn't actually "run" the entire time. She then shared that she feels embarrassed to start exercising because of what other people will think and genuinely asked if I had ever felt that way in front of others. And in the beginning I had. I told her I would try and find places that no one would see me -which is hard in a small town. I tried doing a lot of my runs early in the morning so I could avoid other people -which doesn't work, by the way, because that is when the really die hard runners are out :) I tried wearing baggy clothes so that you couldn't really see my body shape but they made exercising even harder. And talking with a complete stranger about it really made me stop and think about how many people out there probably feel the same way when they don't need to.

In college I was never thin but I was sporty. I felt confident to join in sporting events or just play around. After I had my youngest (who are twins) I was up from a size 10 to a size 18. It is really hard to be the largest person at the gym, trust me I know, but it's better than not being at the gym. And it might feel embarrassing to train for months and be passed up by people who just barely started running but the great part about running is competing with yourself. You can stop worrying about size and pounds and other people and just work toward going faster or farther or just feeling better. And I totally know how embarrassing it can feel the first time you try a new exercise (seriously you should see me doing would burn 1,000 calories just laughing)but think of how good it will feel when you master it! Just get out there and try it and don't worry if you are slow, or uncoordinated, or overweight! When I first started running I was embarrassed to post my times on Runkeeper but after talking to a couple of my friends I decided to post it. Not to get attention or brag but just to say "look, I'm short and plus sized and slow but I'm out there trying and you can do it too!" To most people running a 10K in 1:19 might not be a huge accomplishment but the first time I tried it it took me almost 2 hours. That's progress that anyone could make it and it feels so great! So if you are thinking about getting in shape but are worried about what others will think, stop worrying! Just think about how you will feel! I feel so excited and happy when I hear about a new friend picking up running or trying a new workout class. And it's was so fun to talk with real runners about my training. They get so excited and will welcome you with open arms no matter how slow you are. Because exercising makes people happy and they want you to be happy too! So now I'm paying it forward...if you need a cheerleader let me know! I'm there for you!

Also, my last little thought is to just be happy where you are. That doesn't mean stop trying to improve but just take time to celebrate little victories! My husband and I laughed recently when we found one of my old journals. I signed out of almost every teenage journal entry
with some discouraging comment about my weight followed by a commitment
of "tomorrow I'm cabbage soupin' it". Anyone else remember the cabbage
soup diet? It was one of many that my teenage friends and I tried to
lose weight. Basically you eat nothing but cabbage soaked in tomato
juice for a week and then every Wednesday you get to eat a banana. Healthy! Oh how I wish I could go
back and tell my cute little teenage self to stop being so crazy about
my weight and just enjoy size 8 while it lasted! But who knows what the future holds. Right now seems like the hardest time in my life so far. But I'm sure in a few years I'll be wishing I could come back and tell my 30 something self to just enjoy it while it lasts. My point is this, don't keep waiting until tomorrow to make a change and don't think your change has to be all encompassing. Start with something little you can do a little better and do it. And celebrate it! Then when you reach your goal set a new one right away! Then celebrate some more. Then share what you are doing because it motivates me and I love to hear it! You don't have to be a fitness instructor or lose 100 lbs. in order to motivate and encourage other people. There will always be people who are running further and faster but guess what, at the end of the race everyone got a medal and a massage and a free Jamba juice no matter how far they ran! And it was a big awesome party. And a year ago I missed it because I was too embarrassed to try. Next year I want to go with a big group of friends! Free Jamba juice! Who is with me?
10K Song List for beginners (About 1 hr. 30 min.)
Pump It -The Black Eyed Peas
Set Fire to the Rain- Adele
Behind These Hazel Eyes- Kelly Clarkson
Magic -B.o.B (featuring Rivers Cuomo)
My Song Know What You Did in the Dark- Fall out Boy
The Anthem (clean)- good Charlotte
Girls Chase Boys- Ingrid Michaelson
Good Time- Owl City
Stronger- Kelly Clarkson
Dance, Dance- Fallout Boy
This is How a Heart Breaks- Rob Thomas
Roar- Katy Perry
The Monster (clean)- Eminem
I Knew You Were Trouble- Taylor Swift
Fighter- Christina Aguilera
People Like Us- Kelly Clarkson
On Top of the World- Imagine Dragons
We Used to be Friends- The Dandy Warhols (Veronica Mars, anyone?)
Best Day Of My Life- American Authors
Hall of Fame- The Script (featuring
50 Ways to Say Goodbye- Train
Holding Out for A Hero-Bonnie Tyler